8/14/24 - Thanks so VERY much and truly to everyone for every vote, and I'm extremely happy with vote tally, given the long-term strategy of this anti-corruption project, JusticeMyAss.org.  Though I've mentioned that I'm not doing this for me (I have no choice, as part of my post-trauma survivor's guilt; the weight of lost souls, when I should be one of them), your support is still hugely inspiring personally, as well as for the project.

Among other things I mentioned in passing: JusticeMyAss is applying to be a competing "accrediting agency" (competing with the ABA) for accrediting law schools for the Dept of Education—their accreditation making them eligible for student loans.  Hit the wallet.  The Dept of Ed qualifying criterion (there's only one) is quite simple, but needless to say, I don't expect them to approve JusticeMyAss instantly.  If they follow their standard, though (and of course they'll be punctilious about it...yep), approval should be instant.  As usual, I'm holding my breath, but for 2 nanoseconds this time. 

Objective evaluation of judges produced by law schools is the basis of the accreditation.  (The ABA does some sort of loose evaluation of courses and such.)  One such evaluation method (I mentioned) is whether a kindergarten class would understand, for example, that a judge in 2013 could not make a determination of issues based on facts that didn't exist until 2018.  This was Burke's concoction.  I'm very serious about this "kinder-criterion."  There really aren't too many details involved in implementing it (relative to so many "objective evaluation" tests that come out of ETS Princeton, for example), so I think this is an excellent eval method for many of the simpleton-frauds that judges concoct.

As always, I'm juggling too many things, so I'll publish this and come back and add to it.  Please check back in a week for more info.

I believe JusticeMyAss will succeed, and I'm not quitting on our former country.  Thanks again......johnb

I want to add that Royce White hit the nail on the head when he said: "Any of you could really become a criminal under our system of definitions." BINGO. (at timecode 2:45; I'll find the video again and put the link here!)